Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello Second Trimester!

Today I am 14 weeks and 1 day....which means I'm finally in my second trimester...I just hope the Butterbean gets wise to the news soon.

I have been one of those unlucky folks that has been sick ALL THE TIME and if I hear one more person say, "Well I was never sick..." I'm going to punch them...hard.

Friends neglect to tell you about the projectile vomiting or simultaneous peeing on yourself as your facedown in the toilet and yes, I have to carry a bucket in the car because apparently I suddenly can't drive 5 minutes down the road without throwing up. Oh there are looooads of fun things I am learning about each day.

BUT, last week I got to see the Butterbean kicking and squirming across the ultrasound screen and suddenly.... it all seemed worthwhile.


Princess Pessimism said...

Oh my dear lord...That sounds WRETCHED!!!

But im glad youre happy :)

Happy New Year Linny!!

Terese said...

yay for the 2nd trimester! hope you instantly start to feel better.

Unknown said...

Hurrah for reaching your second trimester - I hope the sickness stops now or soon!

Miss Ash said...

Woo hoo! That's for the baby, not for the barfing!

berly02 said...

To make you feel better, my sister was sick her entire 9 months with her first. I hear the sicker you are the healthy baby is.

Phil said...

Hopefully the vomiting will stop long enough for you to update us on your progress. Will your blog name change to Rookie Mom Diaries? Hey, if you had an ultrasound, why is there no picture of it here?

Lindsey said...

I'm waiting to post the good ultrasound picture which should be in about 3 weeks. That's when we find out the gender of the baby too.

Planning to update after my Glucose test tomorrow.